Keeping you in the know
How are volunteers protected?
All studies are carried out in accordance with UK legislation and will follow strict protocols to ensure they remain ethical and that your rights as a volunteer are upheld.
What is a clinical research study?
A clinical research study involves trying new medication on human volunteers, the goal being to answer specific questions relating to the treatment, to test its effectiveness and to determine how best the medication should be used.
What are the benefits and potential risks of participating?
How do I find out about current studies?
Volunteers usually contact us to find out more about the clinical trial they are interested in. You may have heard about the trial from your GP, the radio, the press, or our websites A member of our research team would then follow up your interest on the telephone to ask a few more questions because it is important that we learn more about you so that we can find the right clinical trial for you. If, after the call, you seem eligible for the trial and are interested in knowing more, we will invite you to the Research Centre for a Patient Interest visit for you to discuss your potential participation with one of our doctors.